Friday, January 08, 2010

Starts from the ground up!

Power, strength, endurance and body shaping all begin with the legs. The legs of a human being are the foundation to the entire body's response to exercise. Although the core is very important, think of your legs as the building blocks to a fit body. The core (abs, obliques, and lower spine) represent the stabilizers of the body. The legs generate force from the ground (Newton's Third Law: Law of Reaction) in which that force will travel through the legs and up towards the muscle group (kinetic energy) required to perform the exercise.

Did you know???? The Gluteus Maximus (the buttocks) are the strongest muscles in the body. Now, knowing that the legs are the foundation of the body and the glutes are the strongest muscles in the next question is....why do people hate to exercise their legs???? The one likes the feeling of soreness in their legs (difficulty in walking, sitting, or running). One of the best exercises to do for your body are squats. You get greater overall muscle and strength gains from the squat than from any other exercise. Squats will develop the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, hip flexors, and the core. I recommend those who perform squats with heavy weight to use a spotter. Body-weight squats are a good start for the middle school students. There are various ways to perform a squat but the correct form is very important to overall muscle development.

In conclusion, whether you want to stay in shape or train for a specific sport or dance, start with the legs and build upwards. You will see the results!!!!


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