Sunday, December 06, 2009

Holiday Season!!

As the holidays approach, the easiest thing to do is skip physical activity and eat a unhealthy diet . December is crunch time for holiday shopping. Other excuses such as its cold outside or holiday parties will also sidetrack you from your daily activity and proper nutrition. I'm not saying you cannot enjoy a little holiday treat or skip a day of physical activity. Unfortunately, this mindset becomes a pattern and will take you til the end of the year. How many times do we say "my New Year's Resolution is to exercise and eat healthy." As a personal trainer, I've heard this a thousand times. You are setting yourself up for failure. Its the deadly 3 week resolution. Come February, very few of those people continue with their promises to themselves. That's why its just as important to stay with your daily physical activity and nutrition during the month of December. Here are a few tips to help you get you through the tough month of December:

1. Never eat carbohydrates by themselves. Always include some form of protein with each meal or snack.

2. Don't eat carbohydrates before bedtime. Carbohydrates eaten right before sleep can cause an overnight buildup of bodyfat.

3. Hydrate. Water is essential for maintaining metabolism.

4. Limit saturated fat. Opt for chicken and fish when possible, and choose other monosaturated choices such as nuts, olive oil, and avocados.

5. Eat a healthy breakfast. A high-protein, healthy carbohydrate breakfast will keep you full longer and set the metabolic pace for the day (students...especially if your lunch period is later in the day).

6. Eat high fiber foods to keep you on track and not fall to the "sweets". Eating food high in fiber will keep you full and help you get through the long days.

7. Increase your physical activity frequency to include six or seven days per week. Minimum 60 minutes per day.

8. Halve high-calorie carbohydrate portions such as potatoes, rice and pasta, and mix them with low-calorie veggies.

9 Allow one dine-out meal per week to satisfy those cravings and reward for your progress.
Get at least 7 hours of sleep for muscle growth and repair. Believe it or not, you still burn calories while you are asleep.

10. Take a multivitamin everyday.

I hope this month's blog helps you get through the frantic month. Good Luck!!!


Mr. Corey


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