Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dark Chocolate

This past week, the six graders began a unit on nutrition. We discussed various types of carbohydrates and sugars. We've shared our favorite snacks and discussed as a group the decisions we make today and how they affect us in the future. The students were not shy about sharing the various snacks they eat such as ice cream, cookies, and chips, as well as drinking soda. I had informed the students about limiting these types of snacks and adding more fruit to their diet. Now, I know we all have our cravings and I explained to the students that they can have these snacks but only in small moderations. Hey, I even told the students my craving for dark chocolate. Fortunately for me, dark chocolate has its health benefits.

Dark chocolate contains antioxidants(substances that fight heart disease and strokes). Again, not to over-indulge, but this snack is a healthy cheat. Make sure the chocolate contains at least 60% cocoa for more antioxidants and less sugar. I hope I just made your cheating a little healthier =)

1 ounce of dark chocolate contains: 162 calories, 2g protein, 15g carbs, 11g fat, 6g saturated fat, 2g fiber


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