Thursday, April 15, 2010

Boost your Immune System

Seasonal flues and colds were more virulent than last year. Allergy season has already made its impact with the warm weather upon us and the pollen in the air. Its impossible to work in a sealed, environment-controlled school with sick classmates.

What can you do to give your immune system a boost? First, let's determine what can lead to a poor immune system. Poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and environmental factors. High level of stress and lack of sleep also contribute to a poor immune system. Although there are no guarantees to these foods, they are considered the best possible choices to avoiding a running nose.

Here is a list of foods to boost your immune system:

1. Yogurt - look for Greek yogurt or a low-sugar version

2. Fish - such as Salmon, mackerel, or sardines

3. Garlic - works better when cooked

4 - Honey - reduces the symptoms and duration of upper respiratory infections

5. Oysters - high in zinc

6. Tea - black and green tea

7. Grapefruit

8. Red Meat - contains more zinc and iron than chicken or fish

9. Mushrooms - enhance white blood cells

10. Nuts & Seeds - contains magnesium that work closely with the immune system


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