Sunday, February 28, 2010

For all you snowboarders!!!

The winter Olympics will end tonight (02/28/10)....winter season will end within the next few weeks (although we would never know that with all the snowfall this season). For all you snowboarders, ski season will be coming to an end. This is the perfect time to explain how to become a stronger, powerful, agile snowboarder for next year!

As you know, I emphasize the importance of developing a strong core within my physical education classes. If you are a snowboarder, this sport is ALL about the core. Velocity control, change of direction, shock absorption are all related to the ability to stabilize the core and control the power from your hips and legs.

One of the best exercises to help improve the stabilizers (or the core) are planks. Snowboarders need to create the same tension on the core muscles that relate to the sport. Planks provide this type of tension. The standard form of performing a plank is to balance on your forearms and toes (keeping your body straight & parallel to the floor). To challenge the core even further with planks, you could use various methods such as: increasing time, side planks, plank arm or leg lifts.

So the next time we perform planks in class, all my snowboarders should have the mind-set of preparing for next winter season! :-)


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