Monday, September 28, 2009

Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Exercise

Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Exercise: Does it make a difference?

By Dave Hubbard • Aug 17th, 2009 • Category: Health

Fact #1: Most people do not know the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise or understand the results of one versus the other.

Fact #2: Most people’s exercise is predominately aerobic, and the little anaerobic exercise they think they’re doing is not really anaerobic at all.

Fact #3: Because of facts 1 and 2, many people give up on exercise because they never experience the results they’re hoping for.

Aerobic means with air! Aerobic exercise is a rhythmic movement of major muscle groups of the body, in such a way that you begin to breathe harder, taking in lots of oxygen (i.e. walking, jogging, cycling, etc.). The benefits of aerobic exercise are usually emphasized as cardiovascular health and burning calories.

If aerobic means with air, then anaerobic means without air. Anaerobic exercise is really any exercise done with vigorous intensity, or the maximum effort required to build strength. This can be anything from lifting weights, to peddling a bike, to running as fast as you can.

The key to fitness is building strength to speed up your metabolism. Studies show that metabolism stays elevated for 15 hours after high-intensity strength training. Muscle is more metabolically active than fat. Add 3 pounds of muscle to your frame and you can figure in about an extra pound of fat burned each month, without even trying.

Besides eating smart, losing fat is adjusting your workouts so that you’re doing primarily anaerobic exercise. In other words, short bursts with maximum effort. And, as science is now proving, that’s also a superior formula for cardiovascular fitness, to build a strong heart.

Adjusting your workouts toward doing primarily anaerobic exercise can also play a key role in helping you to stay motivated with exercise as a habit in your life. Why? Because you’ll see better results, while spending less time working out.


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