Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Welcome Back!

Welcome to a new school year. I hope you enjoyed your summer and stayed active. I am ready to help you achieve personal goals this year regarding your health and fitness. Obesity for students your age has sky-rocketed to an alarming rate and this trend continues to rise each year. I am here to provide you a foundation for achieving personal health and fitness goals and to utilize this discipline for future lifestyle practices. PLEASE NOTE: I used the word "personal." I understand we are in a classroom with over 60-65 students per gymnasium but as your teacher, I am here to see everyone succeed in personal growth. The first month of school will begin with pre-fitness testing. The goal is to record your current fitness levels and to establish realistic goals for you to obtain by the end of the year. Attached is video showing some of the testing we will do in class. I encourage you to work hard because at the end of the day...its about you! Remember, I am always here to answer any questions you may have whether during school or outside of school....Good Luck! Look forward to working with all of you.

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