Sunday, March 13, 2011

Determine Your Heart Rate Zone!!!

For those who enjoy solving math problems in school, here is a formula for you to apply when exercising.

Step 1 - Determine your Max Heart Rate

220 (a standard number) - Age = Max Heart Rate

Step 2 - Determine your Resting Heart Rate

Take your pulse for 10 seconds x 6 = Resting Heart Rate

Step 3 - Determine your Heart Rate Reserve (the difference between Max HR and Resting HR)

Max HR - Resting HR = HRR (Heart Rate Reserve)

You still with me? =) Good..almost there....

Step 4 - Determine your Minimum Target Zone

HRR x 0.65 + RHR = Minimum Target Rate

Step 5 - Determine your Maximum Target Zone

HRR x 0.85 + RHR = Maximum Target Zone

The 0.65 & 0.85 are percentages of how hard you want your heart to work during an extended period of time.


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