Sunday, December 12, 2010

Cold Outside??? No Problem

The temperature is starting to drop down into the low 30s. Rain will soon change over to snow or even ice. What can you do to keep active with such poor weather conditions? EASY!!! You can perform some of the best plyometric exercises indoors (the comfort of your own home). Here are some exercises you can still perform to improve upon your daily fitness:

*Mountain Climbers
*Crunches or leg raises
*Planks or side planks
*Jumping Jacks
*Tricep Dips (using a chair)
*Jump Rope
*Superman (lower back)

Test yourself. Perform these exercises in front of the television. Wait for a commercial to come on from your favorite program (some commercials run for 30 seconds or 60 seconds). When a commercial comes on tv, choose an exercise from the above list and see how many you can perform for the length of the commercial. You can stay with the same exercise or choose different exercises to complete a full body workout.

Remember, there is always a way to fit fitness into your day =)


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